Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Letting go of Fear

Uncle Vijaya was present as scheduled to present his ever hilarious Dhamma Talk - Letting Go of Fear". The theme is timely as the world is searching for the diasappearance of the MAS aircraft MH370.
The session started with a 5-minute metta sharing for MH370.

Right now many would not dare to be embarking on a long haul trip by aeroplane. Hahahaha... to quote Uncle Vijaya's anecdote....

Two people were talking about how people died.

Person A : Most of my ancestors died at sea.
Person B : Oh..... if I were you then I wouldn't go to sea.
Person A : How about you then, where do most of your ancestors died?
Person B : Well, most of my ancestors died in bed.
Person A : Ha... If I were you then I wouldn"t go to bed.

Such hilarious story to start the topic of Letting Go of Fear. FEAR is nothing more than False Evidence Appearing Real. How appropriate.
Not knowing is giving rise to fear. Human wants to be in the know otherwise there is a lot of fear.
In Buddhism it is about fear of Suffering, Fear of the effects of Karma, fear of discomfort and what causes it.
Fear about the future and trying to predict what's going to happen is all but a Fantasy. The cause of it  self-grasping, That's for sure.

How to end FEAR is to begin to do something about it that is  face it head on.

From what is dear, grief is born
From what is dear, fear is born.
For someone freed from what is dear,
there is no grief,
So Why Fear??

Let it Go!

Saddhu Saddhu Saddhu to Uncle Vijaya for such an enlightening talk.

May All Be Well and Happy.

Monday, 10 February 2014

PHBS celebrated the Lunar year of the Horse

9th February 2014

The Lion Dance led the way for the start of the Lunar year. Drums rolled and the sound of crackers was enough to tell the neighbourhood .... we are celebrating... come n join us!!
PHBs is after all a centre of sharing,  to do good  and to practise the  Buddha's teachings to meditate , to find inner peace or even to catch up with friends or neighbours.